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Water Quality and Hydrology

2010 Hixon Fellow

Validation of genetic markers and application to detect fecal contamination at beaches in New Haven County, Connecticut

Photo of Lauren Brooks next to a sign labeled "Bacteria Mat:
2009 Hixon Fellow

Evaluation of a filter for nps phosphorus removal in the Lake Champlain watershed.

Photo of Saalem Adera sitting atop a mountain canyon.
2008 Hixon Fellow

Perception versus Reality in Urban Water Quality

Photo of Lauren Adams sitting on a coastal beach.

Industrial Environmental Management

2010 Hixon Fellow

A systems dynamics model to foster urban building materials resuse in New Haven

Photo of Thomas Chase.
2009 Hixon Fellow

How environmental policy can encourage sustainable industry behaviors

Gray silhouette of human upper body

Climate Change and Air Pollution

2010 Hixon Fellow

Do Trades Worsen Damages? Sulfur Dioxide Emissions and Urban Areas

Headshot of David Henry in a suit.

Design and the Built Environment

2010 Hixon Fellow

Greening Main Street: Integrating Extensive Vegetated Roofs and Economic Revitalization in Washington, D.C.

Photo of Kristin Pene.

Land Use Planning and Management

2010 Hixon Fellow

Closing the Loop: A Proposal for Alternative Land Management Practices at Yale

Emily Stevenson outside of a house.
2009 Hixon Fellow

Exploring the impacts of Microstegium vimineum invasion on forest soil carbon stocs across an urbanization gradient

Photo of Tim Kramer against a forested background.
2009 Hixon Fellow

Study of urban reforestation strategy - bare root plantings

Photo of Emily Scott planting street trees.

Urbanization and Land Use Change

2009 Hixon Fellow

The Form of Change: Inter-Annual Analysis of Urban Expansion using Landscape Metrics

Photo of Peter Christensen sitting between columns.

Urban Agriculture