Hixon Fellows
The Hixon Center for Urban Sustainability engages and supports Yale students who are interested in conducting urban sustainability research that bridges science to practice. Every year, Hixon Fellows are chosen from a pool of competitive applicants based on the relevance of the research proposal to the Center's mission.
Land Use Planning and Management
Forest patch size predicts seed bank composition in urban areas
Urban Forest Mensuration
High resolution remote sensing using UAS technology
Impacts of Invasive Woody Vines on Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Forested Urban Natural Areas: Implications for Ecology and Management
Socio-cultural and Ecological Interactions
Indo-Caribbean Hindu Religious Ecologies in Queens, New York: Reinterpreting Environmental Stewardship through Spiritual Devotion
Ecosystem of Waste: Exploring the Connections between Consumerism, Street Vending, and Waste Management during Carnaval in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
Urban re-greening, community identity, and perceptions of wellbeing in Harlem Park, West Baltimore
Industrial Environmental Management
Advancing Urban Metabolism Studies in NYC
Urbanization and Land Use Change
Urban Infrastructure Inequalities in India
Forecasting urban land expansion and heat island intensification globally through 2050
Water Quality and Hydrology
Short-term Sediment Dynamics of Urban Estuaries under Altered Tidal Conditions
Environment and Public Health
Air Pollution and Human Health Burden in Urban India