Faculty Advisor
Shimon Anisfeld

2019 Hixon Fellow
Municipal Monitoring of Stormwater: A Comparison of Stormwater Runoff Nutrient Analysis to Permit-Required Testing

2014 Hixon Fellow
Water Resource Management & Drought: What can LA learn from Australia's Millenium Drought?

2014 Hixon Fellow
A Century of Salt Marsh Migration in Long Island Sound: Understanding Migration into Upland Habitats

2013 Hixon Fellow
Factors Controlling Biogeochemical Removal of Nitrogen in Constructed Wetlands

2012 Hixon Fellow
Examining the Efficacy of Connecticut Constructed Wetlands as an Urban Stormwater Best Management Practice

2011 Hixon Fellow
Trace metal fluxes between an urban salt marsh and Long Island Sound

2004 Hixon Fellow
Surface Water Bacterial Fluctuation in the Upper Hoosic River Watershed