Michelle Bell

Temporal Trends of the Fine Particulate Matter and Mortality Relationship in Representative US States: Understanding Changing Health Disparities Across Population Characteristics by level of Urbanicity

Urban Air Pollution Exposure of Children Living in the Dwight Neighborhood in New Haven, CT

Effect modification of greenness on the association between heat and mortality: a multi-city multi-country study

Interrelationships between asthma-associated air pollution and economic mobility: considering childhood health as a channel for the transmission of social class

Change in Air Pollution Exposure and Related Health Impact under Climate Change in U.S. Urban Centers

Air Pollution and Human Health Burden in Urban India

Residential Racial Segregation and Fine Particulate Matter Component Levels in the United States

Traffic Pollution and Congenital Heart Defects in Lanzhou city, China: A Land Use Regression Modeling Study

Understanding Exposure to Traffic Related Air Pollution in Kathmandu, Nepal