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Faculty Advisor

Karen Seto

Headshot of Karen Seto with paved path and foliage in background


2023 Hixon Fellow

A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Compound Hazards in Urban Areas across California

Headshot of Erin Shives against dark gray background
2022 Hixon Fellow

A Space-Time Analysis of Electricity-Based Adaptive Capacity to Extreme Heat in Urban Nepal

Photo of Tyler Stotland sitting in a chair.
2019 Hixon Fellow

Big Data Analysis on Montane Geography and Urban Development in Nepal

Headshot of  Xinyi Li against a green forested backdrop.
2017 Hixon Fellow

Forecasting urban land expansion and heat island intensification globally through 2050

Headshot of Ken Huang looking off to the side.
2013 Hixon Fellow

Spatial Linkages between the Growth of Urban Centers and Major Global Cropping Areas: Historical Relationships and Contemporary Conditions

Photo of Meredith Azevedo tending to crops in a green field.
2012 Hixon Fellow

A Model of Nonlinear Urbanization and Information Flows Across India

Photo of Chris Shughrue, with a boat harbor in the background.
2009 Hixon Fellow

The Form of Change: Inter-Annual Analysis of Urban Expansion using Landscape Metrics

Photo of Peter Christensen sitting between columns.