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Faculty Advisor

Amity Doolittle

Headshot of Amity Doolittle in Kroon Hall


2022 Hixon Fellow

Going Zero Waste: Motivations of Pro-environmental Behaviors and Development of Sustainable Lifestyle Community in Urban China

Headshot of Leilani Danning with a Go Zero Waste flag.
2021 Hixon Fellow

Participatory climate adaptation planning in New York City: Analyzing the role of community-based organizations

Headshot of Kieren Rudge against a green forested backdrop.
2020 Hixon Fellow

Departing from the Norm: diversity, representation, and community-building in outdoor recreation

Headshot of Erin Eck against a green backdrop.
2020 Hixon Fellow

Black. Women. Environment. Connecticut: Study of Black Female Environmental Leadership in Urban Connecticut

Headshot of Ashley Stewart against a green forested backdrop.
2019 Hixon Fellow

Participatory Climate Adaptation in New York City and Cairo: consequences for residents and limits of participation

Zander Pellegrino enjoying a meal with participants.
2016 Hixon Fellow

Urban re-greening, community identity, and perceptions of wellbeing in Harlem Park, West Baltimore

Gray silhouette of human upper body
2016 Hixon Fellow

Youth Taking the Reins: Empowering At-Risk Students to Shape Environmental Challenges with Design

Photo of youth exploring an urban water pass.
2012 Hixon Fellow

A Mountain by the Sea: Waste-scapes, Life-scapes and the Reinvention of Fresh Kills

Gray silhouette of human upper body